Shared Accommodation - Roommate in Mogadishu

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Shared rooms and housing for male and female students Shared housing for rent
Apartment For Rent Villas and Houses for Rent Furnished Apartments for Rent Commercial Space for Rent Chalets for Rent Shared Accommodation - Roommate Farms for Rent Offices for Rent

Rooms and sharing housing for rent, shared housing at the best and cheapest prices, furnished and unfurnished, student housing room and hotel apartments, hotel housing for female students, consisting of private rooms for each student, fully equipped with the highest level of luxury

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Waxaa jira laba markab oo lagu daabulo xoolaha nool, kuwa rakaabka ah iyo alaabaha kala duwan, waxaana sidoo kale loo isticmaali karaa kalluumeysiga ballaaran. Awoodda koowaad waa 1072 ton, ta labaadna waa 1250 tan Warsh (...)

210,000 USD